If you are coded as Non-resident, you must apply for residency to change your status to Resident. State law has provisions excluding resident tuition for those who move to the state to attend college, though like many things, it's not that simple.
Traditional application opens: 5/14/25 Application processing begins: 6/1/25 Last day to apply: 9/16/25 Last day to apply for Military Residency: 12/5/25 Online Applications
Traditional application opens: 11/3/25 Application processing begins: 11/3/25 Last day to apply: 2/10/26 Last day to apply for Military Residency: 4/24/26
Traditional applications are accepted 60 days prior to the start of the term through the 30th day of the term. Allow several WEEKS for processing after your application is submitted. You will be contacted via your WSU email address.
If tuition is due before a residency determination has been made, pay the resident portion of the tuition bill while you wait. See the WSU Academic calendar if these dates are not updated.
If you are currently coded as a Resident, you will remain a resident as long as you are continuously enrolled. Your status will be re-assessed when you apply for Graduate or Professional school.
WUE/Cougar Award recipients
Financially Independent students receiving any WUE/Cougar Award may not use the time they are receiving the WUE towards establishing a domicile for residency purposes.More information for financially independent students
Residency Quizzes
The Residency Quizzes are an easy way to see if you're eligible for resident tuition. Responses are not tracked.The Residency Quizzes
Residency Review Request
Request a review of your residency status If you believe that your residency is incorrectly determined or that there is an error. This process is NOT an application for residency; most students will need to complete a residency application. Residency Review Request