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Best Practices

  • Take the Residency Quiz to assess your eligibility before you start.
  • Are you eligible for the Residency Affidavit? This is the easiest way to obtain residency, if you are eligible.
  • Read the page with information about the type of residency that you may qualify for.
  • Download the checklist to help you assemble documents before starting the online application. Dependent Checklist. Independent Checklist.
  • We do not need most identifying numbers listed on the documents submitted. One exception: Please leave the last 4 digits of the student's Social Security Number, if it's shown, on the parent's Federal Income Tax Transcript. You should block out all other identifying numbers.
  • Do not provide extra documentation, unless it is requested.
  • Housing: Just include the first page that shows the address & lease term plus the page with signatures. Housing documents needed show the date of the lease and signatures, usually the first and last page of a lease. Do not submit the other pages.
  • The Washington Vehicle Registration can be used to determine residency. The vehicle's Title of Ownership can not be used for this purpose.

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Best Practices
Residency for Tuition